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Do We Want to Stop War?

Writer's picture: William WilkieWilliam Wilkie

Without the threat, the fear, and the memories of wars we would live in a different world.

Whoever wrote Genesis Chapter One of the Holy Bible claimed that God, the Spirit who created us, designed us to be vegetarian caretakers of life on our planet Earth.

From God's design of Homo erectus, we would not expect that Homo erectus would be motivated to kill each other in the organised way we know as warfare.

But in Genesis Chapter Two we are introduced to a very different "god" with a very bad temper.

When we read the pre-history of our planet, preserved in the cuneiform texts discovered in Iraq in 1850, we find that the Lord God of Genesis Two wasn't God at all, but one of the gods we identify in the mythology of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Scandinavia, China, Japan, India and Mesoamerica.

And we find out why the Anunnaki "gods" (the Nephilim of Genesis Six) interfered with our DNA to turn us into the warlike useful idiots that these "gods" would use first as worker slaves and later on, as soldiers.

Zecharia Sitchin from "The Wars of Gods and Men"

"The bloody trail of man's war against his fellow men in behalf of the gods now takes us back to Mesopotamia...."

Sitchin clearly indicates that human warfare originated with the Anunnaki "gods" and their genetic manipulation of Homo erectus to come up with the hybrid Homo sapiens who would become the gods' worker slaves and soldiers.

The Seville Statement on Violence

"In 1986, twenty leading scientists from around the world examined the relevant scientific data (Ramirez, Hinde and Groebel, 1987) and issued a statement that the evidence does not show that war is part of human nature."

The statement affirms that it is scientifically incorrect to say:

  • We have inherited a tendency to make war from our animal ancestors.

  • In the course of human evolution there has been a selection for aggressive behaviour more than for other kinds of behaviour.

  • Humans have a 'violent brain'. While we do have the neural apparatus to act violently, it is not automatically activated by internal or external stimuli.

What can we do to prevent war?

Pope Paul VI on Oct. 4, 1965, proclaimed before the U.N. General Assembly: "No more war, war never again. It is peace, peace which must guide the destinies of peoples and of all mankind."

The resultant World Day for Peace message is the source of Pope Paul's mantra, “if you want peace, work for justice.”

Many good people have tried to work out how to prevent war.


By David Krieger|President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,February 28, 2003

1. Require the leaders who promote war to personally participate in the hostilities.

2. Tell the stories of the children of the “enemy” until we can feel the pain of their deaths.

3. Support the establishment of an International Criminal Court.

4. Impeach any elected leaders who promote illegal, preventive war,.

5. Demand that one’s government cut off funding for war.

Here are some points made at a Stanford University Campus conference on civil war in 1997

"For most of the parties in most of these conflicts, war is a safer bet" than peace, James Schear told the campus audience.

War is often safer, he said, because it has "a familiar pattern; it imposes order, stifles dissent, generates profits in Angola and other places and provides employment."

"Peace, on the other hand, is a leap into the unknown," Schear said. "It involves concessions, promises that can come undone. . Most of all peace involves loss of political control and cohesion. It tends to dissolve the glue that cements wartime coalitions together.

He and Anstee stressed that foot soldiers in civil war peace agreements become a problem if there is no provision for their employment. "Soldiers have patience for about six months" after a peace agreement, Saksena estimated, but become "bandits" soon afterward if no other provisions have been made for them.

In his view, he said, international financial organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have more of a role in ensuring peace agreements than do U.N. "blue helmets" or other military units.

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